Főoldal > 2016/2017. tanév > Szakmai gyakorlat I.

Tantárgy kódja


Tantárgy neve

Szakmai gyakorlat I.

Tantárgy angol neve

Professional Practice



Félévi követelmény

Minősített aláírás

Féléves órszám

0 + 90
Elmélet + Gyakorlat

Ajánlott félév


Cél angol

The aim of the course is to give professional practice for students at special  practice place (organization, enterprise or institution of higher education). Competencies: effective working with individual and team work, legal and application of standards, to take part in a creative way based on modern technologies. Development complex applications , testing.

Tartalom angol

Performing and understanding IT functions. Getting involved in the daily work : database systems, networks , object-oriented design, programming (shell , client, server , visual interfaces, OOP , system, web), IT security. Activities : participation in accident prevention, learning  company regulations, using  XML -based technologies, using UML or similar modeling tools , Web application servicer , SVN , or a similar version control systems , data modelling, using schema design tools, learning programs.


Minősített aláírás

Számonkérés angol

Signature with qualification

Tantárgyfelelős intézet kódja


Tantárgyfelelős oktató

Dr. Kurdics János