Főoldal > 2016/2017. tanév > Szakmai (művészettörténeti) tanulmányút

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Szakmai (művészettörténeti) tanulmányút

Tantárgy angol neve

Art History Trip



Félévi követelmény

Aláírás megszerzése

Heti óraszám

0 + 40
Elmélet + Gyakorlat

Ajánlott félév


Cél angol

Art History Trip

Tartalom angol

In accordance with the decade’s practice in our department, the aim of the study trip is, preserving this personal attitude, to create the possibility of the personal, direct elaboration of the studied values of the works of art which are within easy reach. It implies the artistic values of the country and beyond the country. Our aim is also to make it available for all the students, concerning the financial aspects as well. The established practice of our department gives an assurance to this. The study trip is preceded by the students’ theoretical preparation, which they give account of in the form of short lectures during the trip.



Számonkérés angol


Tantárgyfelelős intézet kódja


Tantárgyfelelős oktató

Dr. Szepessy Béla István