Főoldal > 2016/2017. tanév > Összefüggő szakmai gyakorlat

Tantárgy kódja


Tantárgy neve

Összefüggő szakmai gyakorlat

Tantárgy angol neve

Continuous Proffesional Practice



Félévi követelmény

Gyakorlati jegy

Féléves órszám

0 + 560
Elmélet + Gyakorlat

Ajánlott félév


Cél angol

Students gain practical experience that will complement the theoretical knowledge. Theoretical knowledge of any course you study is important, combining theory with practice is vital to help you learn better and understand more. Practical skills are proven to help you retain knowledge better, get a better feel of the work you can do when you graduate and even gain employment

Tartalom angol

Practical experience in the following areas: supply producers, managers and organizational tasks of various types and sizes of agricultural enterprises; processing of agricultural products; commerce; agricultural services; professional management consulting.

Tantárgyfelelős intézet kódja


Tantárgyfelelős oktató

Dr. Szabó Béla