Tantárgy kódja
Tantárgy neve
Szakmai angol III.
Tantárgy angol neve
English for Professional Purposes III.
Félévi követelmény
Gyakorlati jegy
Heti óraszám
0 + 2
+ Gyakorlat
Ajánlott félév
Cél angol
Students have to familiarize with aviation related English and they have to learn English terms and expressions for principles, theories and aircraft parts. Secondly, students have to improve general English language skills.
Tartalom angol
Powerplant; piston engines, lubrication system, air cooling, ignition, engine fuel supply, engine performance, power augmentation devices, fuel, mixture, propeller, engine handling and manipulation, operational criteria, turbine engine, principles of operation, types of construction, engine constructions, compressor, air inlet, turbine, jet pipe; pressure, temperature and airflow in a turbine engine, APU, thrust, Powerplant operation and monitoring. Navigation, general navigation, magnetism and compasses, charts, dead reckoning navigation, in-flight navigation, radio navigation, radio aids, basic radar principles. General English: improving grammar and vocabulary.
A félév gyakorlati jeggyel zárul, melynek alapja 2 zárthelyi dolgozat (2*40 pont), egy félévi házi feladat (15 pont), valamint az órai aktivitás (5 pont).
Számonkérés angol
The term grade is based on the result of two term tests (2*40 points), one home assignment (15 points), and on the activity during practical courses (5 points).
Oxford Aviation: Aircraft General Knowledge: Powerplants, Macmillan: Aviation English, English for aircraft 1 documentation handbook (Philip Shawcross 1992), Jeppesen, Flight International Magazine, ICAO Annexes, Flight Manuals
Irodalom angol
Oxford Aviation: Aircraft General Knowledge: Powerplants, Macmillan: Aviation English, English for aircraft 1 documentation handbook (Philip Shawcross 1992), Jeppesen, Flight International Magazine, ICAO Annexes, Flight Manuals
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