Tantárgy kódja
Tantárgy neve
Üzemi gyakorlat
Tantárgy angol neve
Workshop Practice
Félévi követelmény
Gyakorlati jegy
Heti óraszám
0 + 12
+ Gyakorlat
Ajánlott félév
Cél angol
The main expectation of the course, that that technical logistics operating practices more focused practical training of students to promote. The exercises for students of logistics centers in the region carried out by the companies invited trainers management. The half-year to 180 hours occasion have an opportunity to practice the theoretical knowledge acquired specialization is applicable.
Tartalom angol
The main topics of the practice: Tools, machinery and equipment of logistics systems; transportation information; Practical information logistics management; case studies-many of logistics planning; packaging and storage technology practical information; Application of the logistics information technology
Tantárgyfelelős intézet kódja
Tantárgyfelelős oktató
Dr. Szőllősi István Endre